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According to scientific research, stress is a root cause of many autoimmune-related diseases (Salleh, 2008). If stress is a root cause of disease, a reasonable next question is: What is the root cause of the stress? It follows that resolving the root cause of stress could potentially lead to improved health outcomes. What does the empirical data show as the root cause of stress? Current data from psychosomatic medicine (Sarno, 1998), psychoneuroimmunology (Tausk, 2008), and psychodynamic psychotherapy (Shedler, 2012), for example, show the scientific answer to the root causality of stress is inconclusive (Jaffe, 2014). Emerging research suggests that the emotional and spiritual intelligences (King,, 2012) could offer new insight for treating the stress causing ill-health issues. The usefulness of this emerging research leads to the notion that stress may be a spiritual phenomenon which could be improved through prayer intervention (Monroe & Jankowski, 2016).
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Field studies further suggest that psychotherapeutic treatment outcomes may be improved (Garzon & Tilley, 2009) following the administration of operationalized inner healing prayer (Smith, 2005), but the data prove inconclusive, requiring further study of this promising body of research (Garzon & Tilley, 2009). A further study is proposed to examine the effectiveness of combining clinical psychodynamic psychotherapeutic practices with the spiritual modalities of healing. Proposed combined modalities of therapeutic care and treatment may significantly improve resolution of psychic distress, a known root cause of many autoimmune-related diseases.
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